NPC Registration No: 1975/000010/08
NPO No: 000 – 599
Public Benefit Organisation
PBO Registration No: 18/11/13/2704
Delta Environmental Centre is a registered Non-Profit Company and Public Benefit Organisation (PBO) with over forty years of experience in the environmental education and training fields. If you would like to support our critically-important work, we provide a Section 18A Certificate to both corporate and individual sponsors.
DEC has been rated as a Level 4 B-BBEE Contributor; with a 95% Black Beneficiary Base rating and a 100% B-BBEE CSO Beneficiary Analysis. A company or enterprise that wishes to therefore gain valuable B-BBEE points on their CSO Beneficiary Analysis scorecard can do so by making donation to DEC.
Please do not hesitate to contact DEC if you require any further information or if you need clarification on any points raised in this note.
Geoff Lockwood
Acting Executive Officer
Contact Details:
Tel: +27 (0)11 888 4831
Fax: +27 (0)11 888 4106